Found 737 links matching your search criteria
About - Friends of Trees [Education] [Urban Forestry] [Unclassified/Other]

About UsAnnual ReportsTreemail NewsThe Friends of Trees WayStaffBoardEquity and Community PartnershipsAdult Urban Forestry Program. Log In / Sign Up Cart:0 Items. Arabic Chinese (Simplified) Dutch English French German Italian Portuguese Russian Spanish. Get A Tree Sign Up For A Tree. News & Resources Find an Arborist. Get A Tree Sign Up For A Tree. Friends of Trees inspires people to improve the world around them. Heatwaves, flooding, and all of the increasingly catastrophic effects of c...
Using Industrial Clusters to Build an Urban Wood Utilization Program: [Urban Wood Utilization] [Education] [Report] 2010
Steven Bratkovich
A Twin Cities Case Study. Urban tree removals in the US range from an estimated 16 to 38 million green tons per year. Removals of this magnitude due to pests, storms, construction, hazard trees, etc are increasing the interest and adoption of practices to convert urban. One example is the Minneapolis-St Paul (Twin Cities) metropolitan area where strong markets for biomass and landscape mulch are contributing to the growth of recycling fallen urban trees. Twin Cities-based tree service firms,...
Skip the Woodchipper: Salvaged City Trees Are the New Lumber [Urban Wood Utilization] [Environment and Sustainability] [Web Page] 2023
Alex Brown
SEATTLE — When a tree falls in the city, does it make a table? Or a guitar or a cabinet? It’s a question that’s increasingly being asked by state and city leaders, arborists, tree care companies and woodworkers. A growing coalition aims to turn urban wood into a valuable resource, rather than a waste product that is chipped up and sent to landfills....
Potential availability of urban wood biomass in Michigan: Implications for energy production, carbon sequestration and sustainable forest management in the U.S.A [Urban Wood Utilization] [Environment and Sustainability] [Report] 2009
David W Macfarlane
Wood from urban areas is one potentially large source of Recent interest in developing biologically renewable fuel. sources has focused renewed attention on utilizing tree/. In modern times, wood. makes up only 7% of global fuel sources, with an estimated. 15% of energy used in developing nations and only about 2%. tries where substantial efforts have been made to use more. forests, but a considerable amount also comes from what. the availability of wood from non-forest trees is not well....
THE INAUGURAL URBAN WOOD ACADEMY [Urban Wood Utilization] [Education] [Report] 2018
Michael Galvin Morgan Grove Sarah Hines Lauren Marshall
The project involves wood from the deconstruction of. is often sent to the landfill and capturing its value, with the goal of creating a diversified. regional wood economy that promotes sustainability, creates jobs. barriers to employment and improves lives. Once abandoned homes are removed, new green. space can help transform Baltimore s blighted neighborhoods and provide tree canopy in areas. that are historically underserved. We continue to advance efforts locally, and are now ready to...
The Cycle of Urban Wood - Arbor Day Blog [Urban Wood Utilization] [Success Stories and Reports] [Web Page] 2022
Pete Smith
Trees are an important part of everyday life in cities and towns all over the world. Just ask any urban forester, and they ll provide you with a long list of all the benefits of community trees. But what happens to those trees when they need to be removed? We have been working with Cambium Carbon to evaluate the potential for better management of urban wood waste in three US cities. I recently sat down with Marisa Repka, cofounder of Cambium Carbon, to discuss the topic. How much wood is rem...
Reclaimed Urban Wood Supports Small Businesses and Reduces Landfill Emissions — California Climate Investments [Urban Wood Utilization] [Networks and Associations] [Web Page] 2023
California Climate Investments
Reclaimed Urban Wood Supports Small Businesses and Reduces Landfill Emissions. A $996,600 grant from California Climate Investments through the Urban and Community Forestry program will help Urban Salvaged and Reclaimed Woods, Inc. (USRW) pilot a shared storefront project. This storefront will allow businesses handling salvaged wood from urban areas to combine resources to better process, market, and sell their products. A significant number of mature trees are removed annually due to health...
Urban Wood Utilization | LEAF | Local Enhancement & Appreciation of Forests [Networks and Associations] [Urban Wood Utilization] [Web Page] 2023

Making the Most of Our Urban Resources Urban Wood is wood from urban forests. Trees face a variety of challenges when growing in an urban environment, often coming with unique shapes, sizes and grains that make them desirable for designers and makers of special wood products. Urban wood comes from these trees that die of old age, diseases and pest infestations, or which need to be removed for safety or development reasons. In many cases this wood is considered a waste and its disposal is a co...
Baltimore: Reclaiming wood, lives and communities - Chesapeake Tree Canopy Network [Urban Wood Utilization] [Unclassified/Other]

Capitalizing on the Benefits of Trees. Baltimore: Reclaiming wood, lives and communities. Baltimore: Reclaiming wood, lives and communities. Reusing urban wood can be viewed as a systems solution to a complex problem. a means by which to begin to renew and revitalize lives and communities as well. Photo courtesy of USDA Forest Service. Story by Sarah Hines, USDA Forest Service Among some of society s most complex and interconnected challenges. unemployment, ecological degradation, communi...
DC: DDOT Launches Urban Wood Utilization Program - Chesapeake Tree Canopy Network [Urban Wood Utilization] [Education] [Unclassified/Other]

Capitalizing on the Benefits of Trees. DC: DDOT Launches Urban Wood Utilization Program. DC: DDOT Launches Urban Wood Utilization Program. Story by Kasey Yturralde, DDOT Urban Forestry Division; all photos courtesy of DDOT Urban Forestry Division Arborist Shaun McKim (left) operating the mill with Arborist Sam Doan (right) and UFD Associate Director Earl Eutsler (middle) Good things are coming out of Washington DC, all made from trees. The District s Urban Forestry Division has opened up a n...
The Use of Wood from Urban and Municipal Trees [Urban Wood Utilization] [] [Report] 2014
Chris Donnelly, Gabriela Doria, Robert Klee
This publication is intended to be a summary of what was learned over the course of several. months as Gabriela and I met with tree wardens, sawmill owners, entrepreneurs and others,. We viewed them as our primary but not our only audience. In our interviews and our visits, we tended to follow the leads that people gave us, tree wardens. It can be taken, however, as an. The time spent by all of the town officials who filled out the survey also is very much. John Parry and Helene Hochholzer...
Urban Wood Utilization in Connecticut [Urban Wood Utilization] [] [Web Page] 2021
Connecticut Dept. of Energy and Enivornmental Protections
Wood from urban trees is often underused, with the disposal of this wood seen mostly as an expense. Yet, there are plenty of alternatives for urban wood use that can be cost-effective and have environmental and economic benefits for the community. Benefits of Urban Wood Utilization Economic. Recovering the costs of removing damaged trees. Reducing costs derived from tree waste disposal and the avoidance of tipping fees. Generating a source of income for the community. The utilization (recy...
Annual biomass loss and potential value of urban tree waste in the United States [Urban Wood Utilization] [Unclassified/Other]
David J Nowak 1,2 Eric J Greenfield 1,2 Ryan M Ash 3
Annual biomass loss and potential value of urban tree waste in the United States David J Nowaka, , Eric J Greenfielda, Ryan M Ashb a USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station, 5 Moon Library, SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY 13210, United States b SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry (ESF), Heiberg Memorial Forest, 7393 Maple Ridge Rd. A B S T R A C T Urban trees provide numerous benefits to society, but upon removal, this resource is underutilized and often considered a waste product ...
Utilizing Urban Wood Waste | [Urban Wood Utilization] [Magazine/Newspaper Article] 2016
Meghan Martin
Utilizing Urban Wood Waste As efforts to conserve and recycle natural resources increase, urban wood waste utilization projects are becoming more popular in cities across the US By Meghan Martin | February 22, 2016. Utility companies trim trees along the highway in order to avoid interaction with electrical wires, city governments cut down dangling branches in local parks to ensure safety of visitors, and when a big storm hits, felled limbs and debris are bundled and picked up by garbage compan...
Planting Trees With a Purpose [Education] [Urban Forestry] [Presentation] 2019
Graham Herbst
Planting trees that will stand up to our urban environment is a different story. This application provides education material surrounding urban forest maintenance....
Wood is Good! For Heat: Delaware Trees [Urban Wood Utilization] [Invasive Species] [Web Page] 2023
Graphene Themes
On cold winter days, burning firewood can be a great choice for heating a home or residence. However, it s important to remember a few things about buying and using firewood for heat. The most important thing to remember about firewood sales is that they must be measured in cords. The only legal method of selling firewood is by the cord. However, many consumers really cannot tell what a cord is unless it is stacked up and measured. A cord of wood always measures 128 cubic feet. 128 cubic f...
Reconnecting People and Forests [Urban Forestry] [Success Stories and Reports] [Web Page] 2023

Reshaping perceptions for generations to come. Forests and forest products make a large and diverse contribution to people s everyday lives. As populations change and adapt over time, so do forests. As #forestproud community members, it s our responsibility to be part of the solution to sustain and improve the health of our environment. When reconnecting people and forests, a stronger relationship is made between essential forest benefits and products and those that use them everyday. ...
Benefits of Urban Trees - Speak for the Trees, Boston [Urban Forestry] [Health and Safety] [Web Page] 2022

Urban trees are a critical asset to cities. Trees reduce energy usage, remove air pollutants, filter stormwater, and cool hot city streets by providing shade and releasing water vapor. Health benefits from urban trees Volunteers at Sherrin Woods tree planting event. Photo: SFTTB The mental and physical benefits of trees for residents are numerous. A growing body of evidence links exposure to trees with reduced rates of mortality, cardiovascular disease, stress, and depression. Living in gre...
About Us Crossroads Recycled Lumber LLC [Reclaimed Wood] [Companies and Products] [Web Page] 2022
Crossroads Recycled Lumber LLC
Crossroads Recycled Lumber, LLC has been recycling wood since 1981, supplying quality old growth lumber, timbers, flooring, and finish materials to some of the finest homes and commercial projects in the West. One of our primary goals is to promote and support sustainable design and green building. We especially want to work with people using earth, straw, and non-toxic materials in their projects. The vast majority of our lumber is FSC Certified. Crossroads supplies individual homes as well...
Urban Forest Pest Detection [Invasive Species] [Urban Forestry] [Web Page] 2011
Joseph LaForest
Enhancing Exotic Pest Detection in Urban Areas with IPED Community tree inventories are a valuable starting point for urban tree management. The IPED initiative is developing a protocol to assist communities and municipal foresters with detecting insect and disease infestations as part of these inventories. Benefits of an enhanced inventory include: increasing awareness of street tree conditions and potential problems improving opportunities to treat problems while they are still manag...
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