Found 737 links matching your search criteria
Research Focus - Communities and Landscapes of the Urban Northeast - Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service [Urban Forestry] [] [Web Page] 2021
Northern Research Station
Communities and Landscapes of the Urban Northeast. Communities and Landscapes of the Urban Northeast. A common misconception is that forests, forest patches, and. even street trees can take care of themselves. Another misconception, especially in urban nature, is that if it s green. patches have been heavily affected by human influence and impact; especially. within the last several decades, non-native pests and diseases inadvertently. introduced through global trade and other means have ...
Urban Wood Standards & Certification Highlight Webcast | Illinois Urban Wood [Networks and Associations] [Education] [Seminars/Webinars/Conferences] 2019
Jennifer Alger
The latest in the ongoing efforts to develop North American urban wood standards and certification was presented during the Oct 8 Urban Wood Utilization webinar organized by the USDA Forest Service. The two-hour program is now available on-demand. Jennifer Alger, president of Urban, Salvaged & Reclaimed Woods, provided the update on Standards for Certification and Chain of Custody (CoC) for urban lumber that have been in the works for over a year. She said a 60-day public comment period that ...
SAF Supports Boost to Urban and Community Forestry Funding [Networks and Associations] [Urban Forestry] [Web Page] 2019

SAF, through the Sustainable Urban Forests Coalition, urged House and Senate Appropriations leaders to support increased funding for the Urban and Community Forestry Program at the US Forest Service. SAF is a member of SUFC, which is the nation s only network of nonprofits, businesses, associations, foundations and others working together to advance sound, effective urban forest policy and practices. "We are writing today to express our strong support for the Urban and Community Forestry (U&CF...
The urban forest of New York City [Urban Forestry] [] [Report] 2018
Nowak, David J.; Bodine, Allison R.; Hoehn, Robert E.; Ellis, Alexis ; Hirabayashi, Satoshi ; Coville, Robert ; Auyeung, D.S. Novem; Sonti, Nancy Falxa; Hallett, Richard A.; Johnson, Michelle L.; Stephan, Emily ; Taggart, Tom ; Endreny, Ted
An analysis of the urban forest in New York, New York, reveals that this city has an estimated 7.0 million trees (encompassing all woody plants greater than one-inch diameter at breast height [d.b.h.]) with tree canopy that covers 21 percent of the city. The most common tree species across public and private land are Norway maple, northern white-cedar, tree-ofheaven, sassafras, and white oak, but the most dominant species in terms of leaf area are Norway maple, London planetree, black locust, pi...
Reclaimed Wood : Keystone Vintage Lumber [Reclaimed Wood] [Companies and Products] [Web Page] 2022

Each piece of reclaimed wood is unique. It is the sum of its experiences, and it shows in ways both obvious and secretive. Possessed of a level of character and beauty rarely seen in wood produced by the modern lumber industry, reclaimed wood can tell the tale of its existence to those with the guile to comprehend it. Every knot, every groove, every variation in color has a story waiting to be discovered. . Since the first permanent English settlers established Jamestown in 1607, wood has be...
Tree Nurturing in Beaverton, Oregon [Urban Forestry] [Education] [Report] 2020

The City of Beaverton is making a concerted effort to improve the sustainability and environmental aspects of the city, including water quality, air quality, and overall livability. By filtering storm waters, cleaning the air, and providing a beautiful landscape, trees make up a major component of those efforts. As evidence of their dedication to maintaining a healthy canopy, Beaverton has a dedicated Urban Forestry Department designed to keep 10’s of thousands of trees healthy and...
Branching out to residential lands: Missions and strategies of five tree distribution programs in the U.S. [Urban Forestry] [] [Journal Article] 2017
Nguyen, Vi D.; Roman, Lara A.; Locke, Dexter H.; Mincey, Sarah K.; Sanders, Jessica R.; Smith Fichman, Erica; Duran-Mitchell, Mike; Lumban Tobing, Sarah
Residential lands constitute a major component of existing and possible tree canopy in many cities in the United States. To expand the urban forest on these lands, some municipalities and nonprofit organizations have launched residential yard tree distribution programs, also known as tree giveaway programs. This paper describes the operations of five tree distribution programs affiliated with the Urban Ecology Collaborative, a regional network for urban forestry professionals. We analyzed the pr...
Urban and Community Forestry [Urban Forestry] [misMatch] [Unclassified/Other] 2022
North Carolina Forest Service
What is Urban & Community Forestry?. Tree City, Tree Campus and Tree Line USA Management Plans or Street Tree Master Plans. Comparison of Municipal Urban Forestry programs. NC Guide to Developing Tree Protection Ordinances. Evaluating & Conserving Green Infrastructure across the Landscape: A Practitioner s Guide. A Quick Guide to Community Planning for Green Infrastructure. Don t Top Trees mini poster. What to Consider When Selecting Street....
Urban Nature for Health [Education] [Health and Safety] [Web Page] 2021
Dr. Kathleen Wolf, Projects Director
The Green Cities: Good Health web site. summarizes nearly 40 years of research and thousands of peer-reviewed publications. This page contains some of our team s work related to human health and wellness benefits, including products that translate the research to local policy and planning. Metro nature is a term that captures the diverse and complex natural and ecological elements in cities, including patches of native landscapes, gardens and other cultural landscapes, urban farms, and the ur...
Baltimore Wood Project - US Forest Service Research & Development [Urban Wood Utilization] [Reclaimed Wood] [Web Page] 2020
US Forest Service
Through the Baltimore Wood Project, Forest Service Research & Development (R&D) and State & Private Forestry (S&PF) are working together with partners to rethink the value of what many consider to be urban wood "waste." Through this shared stewardship initiative, we are using urban wood as a catalyst toward achieving economic, social, and environmental sustainability goals. Beyond providing one-off resources or technical assistance, the Forest Service is building a large-scale networked regional...
Urban Lumber Co. | Live Edge Tables | Custom Hardwood Furniture [Companies and Products] [Urban Wood Utilization] [Web Page] 2022
Urban Lumber Company
Urban Lumber Company specializes in creating large natural edge slabs and fine handcrafted furnishings from sustainably salvaged city trees. Our furniture showcases monumental scale, live edges, and unique detailed grains. With each piece we build, we emphasize and take pride in sharing the inherent natural beauty of our pacific northwest lumber....
Final Ten-Year Urban Forestry Action Plan! [Education] [Management and Market] [Report] 2015

The Final Action Plan is complete! Thank you for helping to shape this plan for NUCFAC and the urban forestry community for 2016. The Final Plan is available in several formats:. The Complete Ten-Year Urban Forestry Action Plan. Research Needs Print Version updated 11/2016. The Action Plan Funding Needs document. The Final Action Plan without Appendices. Round One of the Engagement is now complete (check our progress on the action planning process). This round served as our. Engagement a...
Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives :: Urban and Community Forestry | [Urban Forestry] [Health and Safety] [Web Page] 2021

As public health concerns of obesity, mental health and premature death from non-communicable diseases rise, it is even more critical to understand the connection between community trees and human health. While it may be intuitive that living near trees and associated greenspace encourages general feelings of well-being, numerous studies substantiate the connection between healthy trees and healthy lives. Did you know? People are 3 times more likely to achieve recommended levels of activit...
Urban tree identification tool available [Urban Forestry] [Education] [Web Page] 2019
Dan Buckler
Many guides help you distinguish between a black and a northern red oak, or between a beech and a musclewood. But for many people just trying to identify a tree outside their door, these guides might not be appropriate. Some include too many trees from out-of-state, some focus on trees only found in rural areas, and some others are weighed down by detail. Enter Wisconsin Urban Tree Key. In this new information sheet, users are shown the 64 most commonly found trees in Wisconsin communities. ...
Resources – Wisconsin Urban Wood [Education] [Urban Wood Utilization] [Web Page] 2022
Wisconsin Urban Wood
Check out the information available on urban wood and those strengthening efforts to save it across the country....
Wisconsin Urban Wood – Trees First. Wood Next. [Networks and Associations] [Urban Wood Utilization] [Web Page] 2021
WUW Staff
Wisconsin Urban Wood (WUW) is committed to the social, economic, and ecological benefits of urban trees. WUW’s independent businesses and organizations are part of a 501c3 nonprofit network that reclaims urban trees for their highest and best uses–first for their environmental benefits as living healthy trees, and next for their wood after their growing years are over. We collaborate to divert quality logs from the chipper and landfill, or from being cut into firewood, and transform them into l...
Street Tree Selection, New and Under Used Varieties [Urban Forestry] [] [Presentation] 2009
Urban Forestry Services, Inc.
Reclaiming Wood Products From the Urban Forest Edith Makra IL EAB Wood Utilization Team and Metropolitan Mayors Caucus [Urban Wood Utilization] [Success Stories and Reports] [Presentation] 2013
Edith Makra
From tree to finished products - Trees are valuable over their lifetime Full Circle Stewardship of Urban Forests - from seed to sawdustFull Circle Stewardship of Urban Forests - from seed to sawdust The time is right for urban wood markets Disposal of wood is expensive and regulated Consumer demand for local and sustainable products emerald ash borer will impact supply Unique properties and a compelling story Graphic courtesy of Sam Sherrill, author of Harvesting Urban Timber (2003) Timber harve...
Quantifying the role of urban forests in removing atmospheric carbon dioxide [Urban Forestry] [Environment and Sustainability] [Journal Article] 1991
Rowan A. Rowntree; David J. Nowak
A Tree and forest effects on air quality and human health in the United States. Modeled PM2.5 removal by trees in ten US cities and associated health effects. Carbon storage and sequestration by trees in urban and community areas of the United States. Tree and impervious cover change in US A ground-based method of assessing urban forest structure and ecosystem services. Evaluating the national land cover database tree canopy and impervious cover estimates across the conterminous United State...
Trees, People and the Built Environment II — Urban Forestry South [Education] [Urban Forestry] [Book/Book Section] 2014
Editors: M. Johnston and G. Percival
A compilation of urban tree and forest research papers from the Urban Trees Research Conference held at the University of Birmingham in Edgbaston, UK April 2-3, 2014. The Urban Forest: Energy and Economic Perspective - Johnston. Million Trees Los Angeles; CO2 Sink or Source? - McPherson et al. Invest from the Ground Up! The Benefits and Economics of City Trees and Greening - Wolf. Cities and Nature: The Global Shift towards Biophilic Cities - Beatley. Birmingham: the UK s First Biophilic Ci...
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