Found 737 links matching your search criteria
SCIENCE x Forests: Urban Forestry, Community, and Wood Utilization [Education] [Urban Forestry] [Seminars/Webinars/Conferences]
Nancy Sonti; Rich Hallett; Charlie Becker; Lindsay Campbell
The science and practice of urban silviculture, presented by Nancy Sonti and Rich Hallett Expanding urban wood utilization, presented by Charlie Becker Not by trees alone: Centering community in urban forestry, presented by Lindsay Campbell ...
Annual biomass loss and potential value of urban tree waste in the United States [Urban Wood Utilization] [Environment and Sustainability] [Journal Article] 2019
David J. Nowak, Eric J. Greenfield, Ryan M. Ash
Urban trees provide numerous benefits to society, but upon removal, this resource is underutilized and often considered a waste product to be discarded. However, urban trees have a potential to be utilized for various products, create jobs and an income stream for cities. The latest data on urban forests in the United States were used to estimate the potential annual value that could be derived from urban tree waste. Assuming a mortality rate of 2%, annual urban woody biomass loss in the U.S. eq...
Life cycle assessment of utilizing freshly cut urban wood: A case study [Urban Wood Utilization] [Success Stories and Reports] [Journal Article] 2022
S. Alanya-Rosenbaum, R.D. Bergman, J. Wiedenbeck, S.S. Hubbard, S.S. Kelley
Abstract Large amounts of urban wood resources are generated through tree removals in urban areas. Therefore, there is a growing interest to improve the environmental performance of the urban wood supply chain by quantifying the environmental impacts of creating high-value products from urban tree removals to enhance its utilization. By surveying existing urban wood utilization operations for primary data in two major cities: Baltimore, Maryland, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a new life cycle inve...
The case for urban and reclaimed wood in the circular economy [Reclaimed Wood] [Urban Wood Utilization] [Journal Article] 2020
Pitti, A. R., Espinoza, O., and Smith, R.
Circular economy production, or upcycling of traditional waste products, has evolved in alignment with consumer driven accountability and demand for environmentally friendly alternatives. In recent years, industries have emerged to upcycle materials for value-added production. This paper presents case study interview results used to gather information about current marketing practices within the urban and reclaimed wood industries, which upcycles trees felled in urban areas and wood generated th...
Wausau’s New Partners In Urban Wood Utilization [Urban Wood Utilization] [other] [Web Page] 2021
Andrew Sims
Urban wood utilization has become a popular topic of conversation within the arboriculture community. opportunity for communities to dispose of urban forest products, but a much-needed source of revenue as well. Historically, Wausau contracted with a local logger to haul material to mills. This contract was primarily for the pulp market, as many sawmills won t accept urban wood due to unknown foreign objects. As a result, much of the oversized material did not have the best end-use. Some we...
When There’s No Heat: ‘You Need Wood, You Get Wood’ - The New York Times [Urban Wood Utilization] [Success Stories and Reports] [Magazine/Newspaper Article] 2021
George Etheredge & Marguerite Holloway
Community wood banks, like food banks, help people in need. Climate change is shaping their role. Marguerite Holloway and George Etheredge traveled to Maine to see how climate change is affecting wood banks there. The cluster of a dozen or so houses in rural Maine could be a summer camp closed for the winter. The compound has an eclectic, informal feel, with colorful hand-painted signs and stained glass, pottery, and woodworking studios. It was quiet on a bright, cold ...
Urban Wood Utilization & Carbon [Education] [Urban Wood Utilization] [Seminars/Webinars/Conferences] 2022
Dr. George Berghorn PhD
We all know the value of trees, whether they are standing in a wooded grove, filling a log truck, or anchoring a family meal as a table. Communities and homeowners plant and nurture trees to add beauty and value to the urban landscape. But these same trees are usually discarded when they need to be removed due to death, disease, or other causes. Members of the Urban Wood Network want to tell a different story. We aim to find the highest and best use for every removed urban tree and invest that v...
Utilizing Urban Wood: A Study for Urban and Community Forestry [Urban Wood Utilization] [] [Report] 2013
Nikkole Hughes, Washington State Department of Natural Resources
Urban waste wood—wood derived from vegetation management in urban environments—is a significant portion of the nation’s municipal waste stream and an often overlooked component of urban forest management. Many of the trees that are mulched, chopped, or dumped after routine tree removals or land development projects have the potential to be recycled and utilized for a higher and better use....
Urban Wood Utilization [Education] [Urban Wood Utilization] [Report] 2020
Parks and Recreation Dept. Grand Rapids, MI
Urban wood is defined as any lumber produced from trees that were removed for reasons other than the harvest of their timber. Simply put, urban wood consists of city trees that have been cut down for varying reasons. Some of these reasons include but are not limited to: Storm damage Encroachment on powerlines Death and disease of the tree Development Old age Unfortunately, many still see urban logs as wood waste that no longer serves a purpose. Urban logs frequently end up ...
About | Urban Tree Alliance [Networks and Associations] [] [Unclassified/Other]

Urban Tree Alliance Non-Profit Tree Care, Planting, and Education About Who we are. Resources About Madison s Urban Forest. Please click on the links to the left to find out what we do and why we do it. You can also register for an event, fill out a volunteer interest form, donate to support your favorite programs, and more....
Arbor Day Foundation Programs | Mississippi Forestry Commission [Networks and Associations] [other] [Web Page]
Misty Booth
Tree City USA is a national recognition program that provides a basis for a good community forestry program. Cities must meet four program standards as follows:. A community forestry program with an annual budget of at least $2 per capita. An Arbor Day observance and proclamation. Applications must be submitted annually to maintain Tree City USA status. Some of Mississippi s most successful municipal programs used Tree City USA as a basis to start their urban and community forestry program...
California ReLeaf | Connecting People, Trees, & Communities [Networks and Associations] [Environment and Sustainability] [Web Page] 2021

Are you a nonprofit or community group who is championing urban forestry in your neighborhood? Want to meet and collaborate with other groups to share best practices and learn together? Join the California ReLeaf Network for 2022! Our mission: Empowering grassroots efforts and building strategic partnerships that preserve, protect, and enhance California's urban community....
Minneapolis business Wood From the Hood helps misfit trees find new life - [Companies and Products] [Urban Wood Utilization] [Magazine/Newspaper Article] 2017
About 15 years ago, Cindy Siewert and her husband Rick were faced with removing an ash tree from their Minneapolis yard. The roots were growing into the foundation of the house. “The tree had to be cut down,” Cindy Siewert said. “We were remodeling. And we had an idea to use the lumber in the floor.”...
Reclaimed Boards and Beams for Commercial Customers in Fort Collins - Sears Trostel Lumber & Millwork [Reclaimed Wood] [] [Unclassified/Other]

Barn Wood - 100% recycled wood can be used for paneling, furniture, cabinetry and other uses. Blue Stain Pine, also called Beetle Kill Pine, comes from multiple species of Pine. The color of the wood can be nearly-white or a pale yellow color with distinctive areas of blue-gray color ranging from a light gray to. Dakota Rustic Collection is a reclaimed wood alternative made of sustainable raw lumber that is processed to create a weathered appearance. It s an economical and beautiful choice for ...
Wildfire Communication and Climate Risk Mitigation [Fire Risk Management] [] [Journal Article] 2017
Robyn S. Wilson, Sarah M. McCaffrey and Eric Toman
Throughout the late 19th century and most of the 20th century, risks associated with wildfire were addressed by suppressing fires as quickly as possible. However, by the 1960s, it became clear that fire exclusion policies were having adverse effects on ecological health, as well as contributing to larger and more damaging wildfires over time. Although federal fire policy has changed to allow fire to be used as a management tool on the landscape, this change has been slow to take place, while the...
Wildland Urban Interface: A Look at Issues and Resolutions A Report of Recommendations for Elected Officials, Policymakers and All Levels of Government, Tribal and Response Agencies [Fire Risk Management] [] [Report] 2022
FEMA, US Fire Administration
A Look at Issues and Resolutions A Report of Recommendations for Elected Officials, Policymakers. The US experienced staggering losses caused by wildfires, especially in the wildland. urban interface (WUI). and intensity previously unseen. suffer catastrophic wildfire losses in the WUI To trigger a sense of urgency and motivation. every level to work with each other and resolve the challenges identified in the WUI While the resolutions to the challenges identified may seem daunting, they ar...
An Analysis of NFIRS Data for Selected Wildfires Including Impacts in Wildland Urban Interface Areas [Fire Risk Management] [Health and Safety] [Report] 2019
National Fire Data Center
This analysis compares the publicly reported loss metrics (e.g., deaths, injuries, dollar losses and acres burned) from media and government sources for 6 named wildfires between 2016 and 2018 with the data reported by local fire departments to the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS). The 6 wildfires were selected by the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) to reflect a diversity of wildland urban interface (WUI) conditions, land management responsibilities, locations, terrains and climat...
Urban Forestry Emergency Operations Planning Guide Available [Education] [Networks and Associations] [Web Page] 2022
Carol Kwan
The new Urban Forestry Emergency Operations Planning Guide for Storm Response (UFEOP Guide) is now available according to Smart Trees Pacific. The project was funded by a grant from the US Forest Service National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council (NUCFAC) and the UF Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region. Teresa Trueman-Madriaga of Smart Trees Pacific expressed her thanks to AAA's training list members for their participation in the survey that was the initial stage in developi...
A perspective on urban forests and climate change | Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts 2021 Assessment Report [Urban Forestry] [Unclassified/Other]

Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts. Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies | Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. 2021 Assessment Report: Wisconsin s Changing Climate. A perspective on urban forests and climate change. A perspective on urban forests and climate change. By Nathan Schuettpelz Interviewed by Dea Larsen Converse, WICCI Science Writer Nathan Schuettpelz is a registered consulting Arborist at Wachtel Tree Science. Who are you/what is your role? I am the con...
Landscaping for Bushfire [Fire Risk Management] [Education] [Report] 2011
Residents in high bushfire risk areas need to be aware of their environment and the risks they face during the fire season. Planning ahead is essential for surviving the coming fire season. The most effective way to reduce risk in the garden is to focus on the location and arrangement of fuel on your property...
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